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Jailbreak/Unlock iPhone



Customizing your jailbroken iDevice part 1

After jailbreaking your device, you're probably asking, "What now?"

In this guide, I will introduce some of the things that you can do with your newly jailbroken device

Things mentioned in this guide:




Most of the tweaks and mods you can perform are going to be through the "Sections" tab inside Cydia.

This tab contains an alphabetical list of all of the modifications you can use to personalize your iPod/Phone

Go into the "Sections" tab, and you will see the variety of options to choose from

All of the tweaks are applied in similar ways, so once you figure it out you will be customizing your device like a pro!

Let's start off with themes

Themes are probably the most sought after mod after jailbreak. Themes completely change the appearance of your iDevice and sometimes go further than that.

From the sections tab, simply scroll down until you see a button labeled "Themes"

From here, you can simply browse and choose the theme of your liking.

Once you find a theme, simply press on it and press install! After installation, open up the winterboard app (Should be in your list of apps after installing Cydia,if not, an update may be required.) and then select the theme you downloaded.

Simple as that!