Yesterday we told you that the iPhone Dev-Team released a command line interface (CLI) version of their iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak. As of the time of writing that article yesterday, CLI was only available for Mac OS X users. Now, however, hacker MuscleNerd has mentioned that CLI is available for Windows users that will allow them to Jailbreak their iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered running the iOS 5.0 (iPhone 4S only) or iOS 5.0.1 firmware by typing in commands through terminal (CMD). Generally Jailbreak solutions are released with a GUI (graphical user interface), but as the A5 Untethered Jailbreak proved to be one of the most complicated Jailbreaks ever developed, it looks like Windows users will be stuck using the command line version of the tool until Absinthe is properly updated.
If you would like to download CLI for Windows please click here (not working? Click here instead). Additionally, the ReadMe for the CLI tool can be found by clicking here. We will have a how to guide available for using CLI for Windows to Jailbreak your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 Untethered. In the mean time please stay tuned and leave any questions or thoughts in the comments section below…
Update #1: How To: Jailbreak iPhone 4S Untethered On iOS 5.0, 5.0.1 With CLI [Windows]
Update #2: How To: Jailbreak iPad 2 Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 With CLI [Windows]